Thank You TNB!

To Recognised SmartZone As The Major Player in Malaysia Smart Home Industry!

and invited us to share our technology with their staff from all over Malaysia!

A Fun & Interactive Training. Token of Appreciation Presented by Ms Siti. TNB Employees Are So Friendly & Nice!

An invitation by TNB

Yup! We are so excited when received invitation by TNB Integrated Learning Solutions to participate in their 3 sessions (19th July, 6th Aug, 16th Aug 2018) smart learning series classes. This sessions are mainly to share with participants about how our technology works, our experience and knowledge in home automation industry. 

Who is TNB Integrated Learning Solution? 

TNB Integrated Learning Solution – ILSAS is a premier technical training institute committed towards providing excellence in training and services. In line with that, ILSAS works with experts in the field of power utility engineering and a complete range of facilities. ILSAS is a wholly owned subsidiary of TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD (TNB), the largest power utility company in Malaysia.


Sharing About Automation Technology in Malaysia

SmartZone - Total of 3 Classes; 9 Hours Sharing Session

The purpose of this sharing is to train TNB technical staffs from all over Malaysia on the latest automation technology in Malaysia. Some of the topics we have shared included Energy Monitoring System; The Application of Automation Technology in Residential; Building Automation; How to Manage Cost Effective in Applying Smart Home System; and so much more.

During Training Session

The Attendees

The response is overwhelming, TNB Engineer & Technical representative from all around Malaysia participated in this sharing session. The classes are fun, interactive; TNB staffs and employees are all friendly and nice! 

TNB Employees From All Around Malaysia

SmartZone Representatives

Janice Wong

SmartZone Marketing Team Representative

YS Lee

SmartZone Marketing Team Representative

Kent Wong

SmartZone Technical Team Representative

SmartZone Hardware Showcase & Explanation

Throughout the training, many attendees were highly interested on our wired technology and hardware. They requested to see our hardware, thus, we have decided to bring along our hardware for them to view and learn on the last sharing session. Below are some photos of the hardware showcasing

"We have invited big & major player in Home Automation Industry in Malaysia, SmartZone to share with us their experience and technology" - Puan Siti (TNB ILSAS)

Thank You TNB Again For Inviting Us & Recognised SmartZone As Major Player in Home Automation Industry. 

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